ArchBar Climber Trellis Mesh (CTM) is a 3 dimensional galvanized welded wire trellis system, industrially powder coated black, that creates both a vertical and espaliered green wall.
The CTM allows the transformation of a blank concrete or masonary wall, fence, or your own border or facade into a soft textured vine and flower covered, seasonally varying surface, known as a green wall.
ArchBar Climber Trellis Mesh comes in standard dimensions of 2233mm x 1220mm panels size, consisting of a 50mm x 50mm apertured grid with a 50mm depth between front and rear mesh sections. Specific sizes of both aperture,depth and perimetered panel sizes may be manufactured pending on volume.

Improves aesthetics providing visual relief in both dense urban and rural living.
Privacy Screening.
Contributes to efficient water use ecology.
Increased energy efficiency through shading of a building surface, resulting in energy costs.
Surround cooling, therefore decreases a building's surface temperature by deflecting radiant temperature (Heat Island Effect).
ArchBar CTM is ideal for:
Small Gardens.
Indoor and Outdoor.
Large commercial sites (carparks, schools, walkways etc)
Both private and public sector.
Freeway barriers.
Why ArchBar CTM and not other associated products?
3 dimensional, extremely strong and rigid yet still light weight.
Galvanized - the pre galvanized, black powder coated CTM outwears any timber trellis system, that normally requires replacing within 5 years due to water entrapment.